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Ingestion Workflow

For sake of demonstration of the schema and records concepts as well as their respective APIs, lets consider the following use case:

The OSDU developer wants to ingest metadata information related to his/her well dataset. The metadata contains the following pieces of information: name of the well, company name, year when it was drilled, total depth, and the well location.

In summary, to execute the above workflow, the OSDU developer needs to perform the following tasks:

  1. Be a valid Data Ecosystem user;
  2. Define which partition to use;
  3. Create and/or assign users to a existing partition data group;
  4. Agree on the kind attribute which will represent the developer's wells. Let's assume it to be common:welldb:wellbore:1.0.0;
  5. Create the legal tag that represents the legal constraints for the metadata to be ingested;
  6. Create a schema for the kind common:welldb:wellbore:1.0.0 via the schema service;
  7. Create and ingest records via the PUT /api/storage/v2/records API.

Becoming a Data Ecosystem user

Please refer to Entitlements Service to learn how to become a valid Data Ecosystem user.

Choosing a partition

The Data Ecosystem stores data in different tenants depending on the different accounts in the system. A user may belong to many accounts in OSDU e.g. a OSDU user may belong to both the OSDU account and a customer's account.

When using the Storage Service APIs, specify the active account as the Data-Partition-Id. The correct values can be obtained from CFS services. In our Development environment you can choose between osdu, customer and common;

Creating data groups

Please refer to Entitlements Service to learn how to create data groups (the ones which starts with data.) and assign users to them. For data access authorization purposes in this example, let's assume the groups data.default.viewers@common.[] and data.default.owners@common.[] were previously created via Entitlements Service.

Creating the schema

The schema creation is done via the schema service.

The schema is basically composed by a list of path/kinds pairs where the record fields are related to their data type. For more information about the supported schema data types, please refer to the Schema service documentation.

Please refer to Legal Service for legal tag creation. For this example, let's assume a legal tag called osdu-well-legal is created already.

Creating records

After the legal tag creation and schema definition, the records of the kind common:welldb:wellbore:1.0.0 can be created. They need to follow the same structure and fields' naming convention as defined in the schema. A sample record would be something as follows:

  "kind": "common:welldb:wellbore:1.0.0",
  "acl": {
    "viewers": ['data.default.viewers@common.[]'],
    "owners": ['data.default.owners@common.[]']
  "legal": {
    "legaltags": ['common-sample-legaltag'],
    "otherRelevantDataCountries": ["FR","US","CA"]
  "data": {
    "name": "well1",
    "company": "slb",
    "drillingYear": 1983,
    "depth": 1208.84,
    "location": {
      "latitude": 29.7512026,
      "longitude": -95.4812934

Ingesting records

Having the record structure defined, the OSDU developer must use the PUT /api/storage/v2/records' API to ingest his/her records, as follows:

curl --request PUT \
  --url '/api/storage/v2/records' \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'Data-Partition-Id: common' \
  --data '[
    "kind": "common:welldb:wellbore:1.0.0",
    "acl": {
      "viewers": ['data.default.viewers@common.[]'],
      "owners": ['data.default.owners@common.[]']
    "legal": {
      "legaltags": ['common-sample-legaltag'],
      "otherRelevantDataCountries": ["FR","US","CA"]
    "data": {
      "name": "well1",
      "company": "slb",
      "drillingYear": 1983,
      "depth": 1208.84,
      "location": {
        "latitude": 29.7512026,
        "longitude": -95.4812934
    "kind": "common:welldb:wellbore:1.0.0",
    "acl": {
      "viewers": ['data.default.viewers@common.[]'],
      "owners": ['data.default.owners@common.[]']
    "legal": {
      "legaltags": ['common-sample-legaltag'],
      "otherRelevantDataCountries": ["IN","BR","CA"]
    "data": {
      "name": "well12312",
      "company": "shell",
      "drillingYear": 2001,
      "depth": 208.84,
      "location": {
        "latitude": 49.7512026,
        "longitude": -65.4812934