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Storage Service APIs

The Data Platform Storage service has two different categories of API's 1.Records 2.Query for schema and record management.

Open API 3.0 - Swagger

  • Swagger UI : https://host/context-path/swagger (will redirect to https://host/context-path/swagger-ui/index.html)
  • api-docs (JSON ) : https://host/context-path/api-docs
  • api-docs (YAML) : https://host/context-path/api-docs.yaml

All the Swagger and OpenAPI related common properties are managed here


Query all kinds

The API returns a list of all kinds in the specific {Data-Partition-Id}.

 GET /api/storage/v2/query/kinds


Parameter Description
limit The maximum number of results to return from the given offset. If no limit is provided, then it will return 10 items. Max number of items which can be fetched by the query is 100.
curl --request GET \
  --url '/api/storage/v2/query/kinds' \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'Data-Partition-Id: common' 
  --data '{
  "limit": 10,

Fetch Records

The API fetches multiple records(maximum 20) from storage service at once, it allows user to request data being converted to common standard by using customized header {frame-of-reference}. Common standard is units in SI, crs in wgs84, elevation in msl, azimuth in true north, dates in utc. Currently only "none" and "units=SI;crs=wgs84;elevation=msl;azimuth=true north;dates=utc;" are valid values for the header {frame-of-reference}.

As of now, we only support conversion for units and crs. For Unit conversion, we only support conversions of arrays of values and properties of arrays of objects when the array element is the root object. For example, below Object/Array types are supported for unit conversion: VerticalMeasurement[].Measurements.VerticalMeasurement, VerticalMeasurements[].VerticalMeasurement, VerticalMeasurements.VerticalMeasurement

However, below is not supported VerticalMeasurement.Measurements[].VerticalMeasurement VerticalMeasurements[].Measurements[].VerticalMeasurement (array element can not be nested inside)

For Datetime conversion, Object and Array types are not supported yet. Elevation and Azimuth will be available later. Returned records could be either original value or converted(units=SI;crs=wgs84) value depending on users' requests and conversion status, original value will be returned when users not request the conversion or the conversion is requested but failed. In addition to records user requests, if conversion is requested, a list of conversion status of each record would be included in the response, indicating whether the conversion was successful or not, it not, what were the errors happened

POST /api/storage/v2/query/records:batch
curl --request POST \
  --url '/api/storage/v2/query/records:batch' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Data-Partition-Id: common' \
  --header 'frame-of-reference: units=SI;crs=wgs84;elevation=msl;azimuth=true north;dates=utc;' \
  --data '{
    "records": [

unitOfMeasureID is now preferred unit declaration

The UoM Meta[] schema supports association of a Unit of Measure to one or more attributes in a JSON record. The core of the UoM schema is the unitOfMeasureID attribute which associates attributes defined in propertyNames to the ID of the UOM in the Unit of Measure Reference list e.g. for a Wellbore record

            "kind": "Unit",
            "name": "ft",
            "persistableReference": "",
            "propertyNames": [
            "unitOfMeasureID": "osdu:reference-data--UnitOfMeasure:ft:"

unitOfMeasureID is taking precedence over persistableReference attribute. persistableReference attribute is now updating in fly by fetching persistableReference attribute corresponding to unitOfMeasureID when unitOfMeasureID attribute exists.


Create or Update records

The API represents the main injection mechanism into the Data Ecosystem. It allows records creation and/or update. When no record id is provided or when the provided id is not already present in the Data Ecosystemthen a new record is created. If the id is related to an existing record in the Data Ecosystemthen an update operation takes place and a new version of the record is created. More details available at Creating records and Ingesting records sections.

Get record version

The API retrieves the specific version of the given record. The modifyTime and modifyUser info will be version specific.

GET /api/storage/v2/records/{id}/{version}


Parameter Description
attribute Filter attributes to restrict the returned fields of the record. Usage: data.{record-data-field-name}.

 curl --request GET \
  --url '/api/storage/v2/records/{id}/{version}' \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'Data-Partition-Id: common' 
  --data '{
    "attributes": [

Get all record versions

The API returns a list containing all versions for the given record id.

GET /api/storage/v2/records/versions/{id}

curl --request GET \
  --url '/api/storage/v2/records/versions/{id}'\
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'Data-Partition-Id: common' 

Get record

This API returns the latest version of the given record.

GET /api/storage/v2/records/{id}


Parameter Description
attribute Filter attributes to restrict the returned fields of the record. Usage: data.{record-data-field-name}.
curl --request GET \
  --url '/api/storage/v2/records/{id}'\
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'Data-Partition-Id: common' \
  --data '{
    "attributes": [

Delete record

The API performs a logical deletion of the given record. This operation can be reverted later. This operation can be performed by the owner of the record.

POST /api/storage/v2/records/{id}:delete
curl --request POST \
   --url '/api/storage/v2/records/{id}:delete' \
   --header 'accept: application/json' \
   --header 'authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
   --header 'content-type: application/json'\
   --header 'Data-Partition-Id: common'

Delete records

The API performs a logical deletion of batch of record (max size of a batch is 500 records). This operation can be reverted later by ingesting record with the same id one more time. The deleted (inactive) records will be removed from the index, and therefore will not be returned to the search result. This operation can be performed by the owner of the record.

POST /api/storage/v2/records/delete
curl --request POST \
   --url '/api/storage/v2/records/delete' \
   --header 'accept: application/json' \
   --header 'authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
   --header 'content-type: application/json'\
   --header 'Data-Partition-Id: common'
   --data-raw '[

Copy record references

This API copies record reference from one namespace to another. This API attempts to copy all the Record references it is provided from the given source namespace to the target namespace. All references will be copied or all will fail as a transaction. If the target namespace does not exist it will be created. It requires '' permission to call

PUT /api/storage/v2/records/copy
curl --location --request PUT 'http://localhost:8080/api/storage/v2/records/copy' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Data-Partition-Id: common' \
--header 'x-collaboration: id=<source-collaboration-id>,application=<app-name>;' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
--data '{
    "target": "<target-collaboration-id>",
    "records": [
        "id": "<record-id>"
        "version": "<record-version>",


Purge record versions

The API performs the permanent physical deletion of the given record versions excluding latest version and any linked records or files if there are any.This operation cannot be undone. versionIds, limit query parameters used to delete the record versions.

  • versionIds : comma separated value of version ids(excluding the latest version). Maximum 50 record versions can be deleted per request.
  • limit: API will delete oldest versions defined by 'limit'.

versionIds explicit version should always take precedence than limit query parameter

DELETE api/storage/v2/records/{id}/versions


Parameter Description
versionIds API will delete the list of versions provided in the versionIds, excluding the latest record version
limit API will delete oldest versions defined by limit, excluding the latest record version
curl --request DELETE \
   --url 'api/storage/v2/records/{id}/versions?limit=2' \
   --header 'accept: application/json' \
   --header 'authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
   --header 'content-type: application/json'\
   --header 'Data-Partition-Id: common'

Metadata update api

This API allows update of records metadata in batch. It takes an array of record ids with/without version numbers with a maximum number of 500, and updates properties specified in the operation path with value and operation type provided. If a version number is provided, updates will be applied to the specific version of the record. If not, the latest version of the record will be updated. Users need to specify the corresponding data partition id in the header as well.

Users need to provide op(operation type), path, and value in the field 'ops'. The currently supported operations are " replace", "add", and "remove". The user should be part of the groups that are being replaced/added/removed as ACL. Users specify the property they want to update in the "path" field, and new values should be provided in the "value" field.

Bulk Update API has the following response codes:

Code Description
200 The update operation succeeds fully, all records’ metadata get updated.
206 The update operation succeeds partially. Some records are not updated due to different reasons, including records not found or does not have permission to edit the records. For records whose version number was also provided in the request, they may be locked during metadata update, due to optimistic lock. In this case, the version users provided is not the latest one, the record may be updated by others. If the record version is locked, 'lockedRecordIds' field will be returned. They can retry later with the records’ latest version number, once the record is no longer locked.
400 The update operation fails when the remove operation makes Legal Tags or ACLs empty.
PATCH /api/storage/v2/records

In the "replace" operation, property value in "path" would be fully replaced by values provided in the "value" field. If we need to replace tags ops.value should be colon separated string value.

curl --request PATCH \
   --url '/api/storage/v2/records' \
   --header 'accept: application/json' \
   --header 'authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
   --header 'content-type: application/json'\
   --header 'Data-Partition-Id: common'
    --data-raw ‘{ 
      "query": { 
        "ids": [
      "ops": [ { 
        "op": "replace", 
        "path": "/legal/legaltags", 
        "value": [
        "op": "replace", 
        "path": "/acl/owners", 
        "value": [
        "op": "replace", 
        "path": "/acl/viewers", 
        "value": [

In the "add" operation, the valid Tags, Legal Tags, and ACLs (Acl Viewers, Acl Owners) provided in the "value" field will be added to the property value in the "path" field. If we need to add tags ops.value should be colon separated string value.

curl --request PATCH \
   --url '/api/storage/v2/records' \
   --header 'accept: application/json' \
   --header 'authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
   --header 'content-type: application/json'\
   --header 'Data-Partition-Id: common'
    --data-raw ‘{ 
      "query": { 
        "ids": [
      "ops": [ { 
        "op": "add", 
        "path": "/legal/legaltags", 
        "value": [
        "op": "add", 
        "path": "/acl/owners", 
        "value": [
        "op": "add", 
        "path": "/acl/viewers", 
        "value": [

In the "remove" operation, the valid Tags, Legal Tags, and ACLs (Acl Viewers, Acl Owners) provided in the "value" field will be removed from the property value in the "path" field. When the given Tags, Legal Tags, or ACLs (Acl Viewers, Acl Owners) do not exist in corresponding records, the remove succeeds without errors. The Legal Tags and ACLs (Acl Viewers, Acl Owners) cannot be empty i.e. the user cannot remove all the Legal Tags or ACLs. If we need to remove tags ops.value should be array of the tags keys which we are going to remove.

curl --request PATCH \
   --url '/api/storage/v2/records' \
   --header 'accept: application/json' \
   --header 'authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
   --header 'content-type: application/json'\
   --header 'Data-Partition-Id: common'
    --data-raw ‘{ 
      "query": { 
        "ids": [
      "ops": [ { 
        "op": "remove", 
        "path": "/legal/legaltags", 
        "value": [
        "op": "remove", 
        "path": "/acl/owners", 
        "value": [
        "op": "remove", 
        "path": "/acl/viewers", 
        "value": [

You can use Search service's query or query_with_cursor apis to search for records based on tags. Since tags is part of metadata, it is automatically indexed. This may not work if the kind is old (older than when the tags feature was introduced ~02/25/2021). You may need to re-index the kind with the reindex api (with force_clean=true) from indexer service.

Records patch api

This API allows update of records data and/or metadata in batch. It takes an array of record ids (without version numbers) with a maximum number of 100, and updates properties specified in the operation path with value and operation type provided. Users need to specify the corresponding data partition id in the header as well. The API response contains list of record IDs that were patched successfully, as well as list of record IDs that failed to be patched, with the list of errors.

Note: The input record IDs must not contain version of the records. However, the list of record IDs returned in the response will have <recordId>:<version> format. This is because any data update increases the record version, however metadata updates do not. The version returned in the response will be the latest version of each record.

  • This API supports PATCH operation in compliant to the Patch RFC spec.
  • Users need to provide a list of recordIDs and a list of operations to be performed on each record.
  • Each operation has op(operation type), path, and value in the field 'ops' (unless the operation is remove, then the field value shouldn't be provided).
  • The currently supported operations are "replace", "add", and "remove".
  • The supported properties for metadata update are tags, acl/viewers, acl/owners, legal/legaltags, ancestry/parents, kind and meta (meta attribute out of the data block).
  • The supported properties for data update are data.
  • If acl is being updated, the user should be part of the groups that are being replaced/added/removed as ACL.

Records patch API has the following response codes:

Code Description
200 The update operation succeeds fully, all records’ data and/or metadata are updated.
206 The update operation succeeds partially. Some records are not updated due to different reasons, including records not found or user does not have permission to edit the records.
400 The update operation fails when the input validation fails. Please check below section for more details.

Input Validation

To remain compliant with the domain data models and business requirements, we perform certain input validation on the request payload. Please see below table for details:

Add Replace Remove Remarks
/kind Bad Request Replaces kind Bad Request kind can only be replaced; value must be a raw string & valid kind. Path must match exactly to /kind
/tags Replaces tags with value. Creates /tags if it doesn't exist Replaces tags with value. /tags must exist Removes tags, value is ignored. /tags must exist add and replace behavior similar because /tags is an object member
/tags/key Adds "key" : "value" to tags, /tags must exist Replaces /tags/key with value. /tags/key must exist Removes "key" : "value" from tags, /tags/key must exist
/acl/viewers OR /acl/owners OR /legal/legaltags OR /ancestry/parents Replaces the target array with value. Creates the attribute if it doesn't exist Replaces the target attribute with new value. Target location must exist Only /ancestry/parents can be removed In case of add or replace, Path should be an exact match and value must be an array of string values
/acl/viewers/0 OR /acl/owners/0 OR /legal/legaltags/0 OR /ancestry/parents/0 Adds value to the target index in the array Replaces value at the target index in the array. Target location must exist Removes value at the target index in the array. Target location must exist Character - can be used to mention last index of the target array. For acl and legaltag, the target value must not be an empty array after applying Patch
/data /data doesn't adhere to a rigid structure, therefore users must be cautious when modifying /data attributes. Value type must adhere to attribute type defined in Schema service. Any type change can potentially cause indexing/search issues.
/meta if an update for /meta, it should be compliant with its structure (i.e. array of Map)

Check out some examples below, but refer to the Patch RFC spec for a comprehensive documentation on JsonPatch and more examples.

Note: The examples below only highlight the ops array from the input payload, a full curl sample is provided at the end.

Add Operation

Please note that the add operation performs either an add or a replace operation, depending on the target location. Refer to Patch RFC spec - add for the explaination. 1. Add legaltag abc to a record, at the end of the legaltags array. This will perform an addition because path points to an index in an array

add legaltag

"ops": [
          "op": "add", 
          "path": "/legal/legaltags/-",
          "value": "abc"
  1. Add/Replace tags for a record. Note that although the operation is add, this adds /tags if it doesn't exist or replaces the current value with given value for /tags. This is because the target location is an object member that already exists. Please read RFC Spec for more details.

    replace tags

    "ops": [ { "op": "add", "path": "/tags", "value": { "tag1": "value1" } } ]

  2. Add a new property subprop to data block. Note that parent must exist. This operation will add child under parent with the value specified:

    add to data block

    "ops": [ { "op": "add", "path": "/data/parent/child", "value": { "grandchild": { "key": "value" } } } ]

Replace Operation

The replace operation is fairly straightforward, it replaces the value at the target location with a new value. 1. Replace /acl/owners array for a record.

replace acl owners

"ops": [
          "op": "replace", 
          "path": "/acl/owners",
          "value": [

Remove Operation

The remove operation removes the value at the target location. The field value must not be provided for this operation. 1. Remove /data/parent/child from the data block

remove data property

"ops": [
          "op": "remove", 
          "path": "/data/parent/child"
  1. Remove the first value from /acl/viewers array

    remove first acl viewer

    "ops": [ { "op": "remove", "path": "/acl/viewers/0" } ]

Below is a complete sample curl which performs multiple operations on a list of record IDs.

complete curl example
curl --request PATCH \
   --url '/api/storage/v2/records' \
   --header 'accept: application/json' \
   --header 'authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
   --header 'content-type: application/json-patch+json'\
   --header 'Data-Partition-Id: common'
    --data-raw ‘{ 
      "query": { 
        "ids": [
      "ops": [ 
          "op": "remove", 
          "path": "/legal/legaltags/0"
          "op": "remove", 
          "path": "/ancestry/parents"
          "op": "add", 
          "path": "/acl/viewers/-",
          "value": ""
          "value": { 
            "newValue": {

Differences compared to metadata update api

Metadata Update API Patch API
Header Content-Type application/json application/json-patch+json
Supported Record properties acl, tags, legaltags acl, tags, legaltags, ancestry, kind, data, meta
ops field in payload array of PatchOperation JsonPatch
Maximum number of records 500 100

Using service accounts to access Storage APIs

The Storage service relies on the Google native data access authorization mechanisms to provide access control on the records. Based on design decisions, when the Storage service caller is a federated user, no additional configuration is necessary, however if the API caller is a service account, a mandatory configuration is necessary as follows:

  • Navigate to the GCP project which the caller service account belongs to;
  • Go to IAM & admin > service accounts;
  • Select the caller service account;
  • In the right-hand side Permissions panel, click at "Add member" button;
  • In the member text box add the following email {DATA_ECOSYSTEM_PROJECT} For instance, in P4D enviroment the member email is;
  • Select the role Service Accounts > Service Account Token Creator.

Using skipdupes

The skipdupes param is only related to update operations, which means you are calling the API with record IDs already present into the Data Ecosystem. If skipdupes==true, it means the service will not update the record if the payload is the same (duplicates). If there is a difference in the payload, then a new version of the record will be created. On the other hand, skipdupes == false, in an update operation, the service will not check whether the payload is the same or not and will always create a new version, even if identical to a previous version. On the response side, skipedRecordIds are the record IDs which weren't updated (skipped) due skipdupes == true and same payload. In PUT response, there will be no more replication in the record IDs, they will be in either recordIds or skippedRecordIds.

Support for GeoJSON types

Storage service can now ingest records of type GeoJson. Following are some examples of the data block which can be used to ingest records of type GeoJSON using the PUT api.

"data": {
  "WellName": "Data Platform Services - 51",
  "GeoShape": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [
"data": {
  "WellName": "Data Platform Services - 53",
  "GeoShape": {
    "type": "LineString",
    "coordinates": [
"data": {
  "WellName": "Data Platform Services - 55",
  "GeoShape": {
    "type": "Polygon",
    "coordinates": [

Similarly, data of type MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, GeometryCollection are also supported.

Version info endpoint

For deployment available public /info endpoint, which provides build and git related information.

Example response:

    "groupId": "org.opengroup.osdu",
    "artifactId": "storage-gcp",
    "version": "0.10.0-SNAPSHOT",
    "buildTime": "2021-07-09T14:29:51.584Z",
    "branch": "feature/GONRG-2681_Build_info",
    "commitId": "7777",
    "commitMessage": "Added copyright to version info properties file",
    "connectedOuterServices": [
        "name": "elasticSearch",
        "name": "postgresSql",
        "name": "redis",

This endpoint takes information from files, generated by spring-boot-maven-plugin, git-commit-id-plugin plugins. Need to specify paths for generated files to matching properties: - -

Using Storage APIs in the Collaboration context

Query, Records and Patch API can also be used in the Collaboration context


Get Replay Status

This API returns replay status.

GET /api/storage/v2/replay/status/{replayId}

curl --request GET \
  --url '/api/storage/v2/replay/status/{replayId}' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'data-partition-id: common'


This API provides a replay ID that enables tracking of the replay operation's status. It's utilized to initiate the replay operation, which reindexes records according to the request type. Presently, two operation values are accepted: "replay" and "reindex." The replay operation utilizes the default service bus, the "recordtopic," while the reindex operation utilizes the "reindex" topic. Currently replay all or replay of single kind is supported.

POST /api/storage/v2/replay

To reindex all the records

curl --request POST \ --url '/api/storage/v2/replay' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer ' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'data-partition-id: common' \ --data '{ "operation": "replay" }'


To reindex single kind.


curl --request POST \ --url '/api/storage/v2/replay' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer ' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'data-partition-id: common' \ --data '{ "operation": "replay", "filter": { "kinds": [ "osdu:wks:reference-data--VelocityAnalysisMethod:1.0.0" ] } }'
