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Action APIs

Registering an Action

This API allows registering an action in the form of a GET HTTPS URL and a filter. The filter specifies what data the action can be applied to.

It is recommended that Admins first use the Validate action API, to make sure the action is acceptable and the output of the action with a test payload is as expected.

POST /api/register/v1/action
Curl Post Register Action
curl --request POST \
  --url '' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'data-partition-id: common' \
  --data '{
        "id": "petrel-launch-project",
        "name": "Petrel Project",
        "description": "This action launches the Petrel projects landing page that holds the selected data.",
        "url": "{id}/{data.project}",
        "img": "",
        "contactEmail": "",
        "filter": {
            "entityType": ["regularheightfield", "project"],
            "source": ["petrel"],
            "version": ["*"]

The filter specifies what data the action can be applied to. Each property in the filter is either values representing an exact match for the data it can handle or a single wildcard '*' indicating that any data can match that property filter.

The URL given on the registration must be a fully qualified HTTPS GET request. The URL can support templates as shown above e.g. {data.project}, as well as regular expressions. These templates can be applied anywhere in the given URL (domain, path, query etc.) The template values can be any property that matches a Record's payload.

The filter specifies which Records your action can be used with. The retrieve API applies the template onto a given Record to create the fully qualified URL. For instance, the above URL could be applied to the following Record in Storage.

    "id": "common:doc:123456789",
    "kind": "common:petrel:regularheightfield:1.0.0",
    "data": {

Because the filter of the action matches the Record (petrel and regularheightfield match the 'kind' and the version is a wildcard so matches 1.0.0), the resulting action after the template is applied would then be

Get an Action by ID

This API allows getting an action with a given Id.

GET /api/register/v1/action/{id}
Curl Get an Action ID
curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'data-partition-id: common' 

Retrieve Actions

This API allows retrieving all actions that match a given filter.

POST /api/register/v1/action:retrieve

So imagine you have a Record retrieved from OSDU:

   "id": "common:regularheightfield:123456",
   "kind": "common:petrel:regularheightfield:1.0.0",
   "acl": {
     "viewers": [""],
     "owners": [""]
   "legal": {
     "legaltags": ["common-sample-legaltag"],
     "otherRelevantDataCountries": ["FR","US","CA"]
   "data": {
     "msg": "Hello"

And make the following call to retrieve actions API:

Curl Post Action Retrieve
curl --request POST\
  --url '' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'data-partition-id: common'
  --data '{
            "id": "common:regularheightfield:123456",
            "kind": "common:petrel:regularheightfield:1.0.0",
            "acl": {
                "viewers": [""],
                "owners": [""]
            "legal": {
                "legaltags": ["common-sample-legaltag"],
                "otherRelevantDataCountries": ["FR","US","CA"]
            "data": {
                "msg": "Hello"

This will then find all actions whose filter matches your Record. It will then attempt to substitute any template value and also will evaluate the regular expression from the Record into the action.

Given two matching actions that had a "url" field with these templates

        "url": "{id}",
        "url": "{data.msg}", 

Then the response returns all matching actions with the substituted parameters specified:

    "id": "123-456-abc",
    "name": "Petrel",
    "description": "Opens the given objects project in Petrel PTS",
    "img": "",
    "contactEmail": "",
    "url": ""
    "id": "923-456-abc",
    "name": "myApp2",
    "description": "Does something awesome",
    "img": "",
    "contactEmail": "",
    "url": ""

Delete an Action by ID

This API allows deleting an action with a given id.

DELETE /api/register/v1/action/{id}
Curl Delete Action ID
curl --request DELETE \
  --url '' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'data-partition-id: common' 

Validate action

This API is a helper API method that allows users to validate their action is working as expected, including template and regular expression usage, before they create an action in the system.

POST /api/register/v1/action:test

Let's consider the following payload for Register an Action request example

Curl Post Register Action
curl --request POST \
  --url '' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'data-partition-id: common' \
  --data '{
        "id": "petrel-launch-project",
        "name": "Petrel Project",
        "description": "This action launches the Petrel projects landing page that holds the selected data.",
        "url": "{data.uri:^(?:[^\/]*(?:\/(?:\/[^\/]*\/?)?)?([^?]+)(?:\??.+)?)$}",
        "img": "",
        "contactEmail": "",
        "filter": {
            "entityType": ["regularheightfield", "project"],
            "source": ["petrel"],
            "version": ["*"]

The above action applies a regular expression of


onto the data.uri properties value.

This regular expression attempts to extract the path segment out of a URI. But before we register this action, we want to be sure that the specified regular expression is correct and return the expected value from expected payload for a kind. This can be achieved by following API call:

Curl Post Register Action
curl --request POST\
  --url '' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer <JWT>' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'data-partition-id: common'
  --data '{
            "action": {
                "id": "petrel-launch-project",
                "name": "Petrel Project",
                "description": "This action launches the Petrel projects landing page that holds the selected data.",
                "url": "{data.uri:^(?:[^\\/]*(?:\\/(?:\\/[^\\/]*\\/?)?)?([^?]+)(?:\\??.+)?)$}",
                "img": "",
                "contactEmail": "",
                "filter": {
                    "entityType": ["regularheightfield", "project"],
                    "source": ["petrel"],
                    "version": ["*"]
            "testPayload": {
                "id": "common:regularheightfield:123456",
                "kind": "common:petrel:regularheightfield:1.0.0",
                "data": {
                    "uri": ""

And in this case the Response would be:

        "url": "",
        "errors": ""

In the above example, the regular expression was valid and we see the response append the path of the data.uri property into the action and there are no errors.

However an error is returned if:

  • The filter did not match the testPayload
  • The regular expression was invalid
  • The regular expression failed to extract a value from the test payload.

There is also the possibility that the regular expression extracts a value, but not the one you expected. In this scenario, the API does not return an error, so you need to validate the returned url is formed as you expected after it is mapped into the test payload.

Here are some regular expression registration examples:

Example regular expression Registration Example Record Example Output{data.uri:^(?:[^\\/]*(?:\\/(?:\\/[^\\/]*\\/?)?)?([^?]+)(?:\\??.+)?)$} "data": {"uri": ""}{kind:^(?:[A-Za-z]+\\:)*([A-Za-z]+)\\:(?:.+)$ "kind": "common:petrel:regularheightfield:1.0.0"{kind:^(?:[A-Za-z]+\\:)*(.+)} "data": {"kind": "common:petrel:regularheightfield:1.0.0"}{id}?type={kind:^(?:[^:]*:){2}([^:]*)} data": {"id": "test-id", kind": "common:petrel:regularheightfield:1.0.0"}

The regular expression match per record field is capped at a maximum of 2 seconds for performance reasons. Please take a look at the error message for detailed response.

Version info endpoint

For deployment available public /info endpoint, which provides build and git related information.

Example response:

    "groupId": "org.opengroup.osdu",
    "artifactId": "storage-gc",
    "version": "0.10.0-SNAPSHOT",
    "buildTime": "2021-07-09T14:29:51.584Z",
    "branch": "feature/GONRG-2681_Build_info",
    "commitId": "7777",
    "commitMessage": "Added copyright to version info properties file",
    "connectedOuterServices": [
        "name": "elasticSearch",
        "name": "postgresSql",
        "name": "redis",

This endpoint takes information from files, generated by spring-boot-maven-plugin, git-commit-id-plugin plugins. Need to specify paths for generated files to matching properties:
