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Register Service


The high level design of this service can conceptually be thought of similar to the 'command' design pattern. Essentially this pattern decouples a trigger from an action. This is often used in UIs where a trigger is perhaps a user clicking a button and the action is a program function that is triggered by the click. There is often an optional context which can provide the action with data to use in the function, as well as to enable / disable the action for the user (perhaps if the data is not relevant to the action in question).

This service will allow an application to register an action (the function to be triggered). It will expect data (context) to come from OSDU to enable the action, and the application can register a filter (enable/disable) to say what data can be used with this action.

The Register Service is a Maven multi-module project with each cloud implementation placed in its submodule.

Current Limitations

There are mainly 2 limitations currently:

  • Users need to individually register for each data partition they want the action enabled from.
  • We don't support a wildcard in the action URL for the partition id. Something like{data-partition-id} may be supported in the future so that the request can be data partition aware.