File VolumeDataLayout.h

namespace OpenVDS
class VolumeDataLayout : public OpenVDS::MetadataReadAccess
#include <VolumeDataLayout.h>

a class that contains axis and channel information for a VDS A layout is associated with a VDS object and contains information about axis and channels in the VDS. A VolumeDataLayout can be invalidated when the VDS is invalidated.

Public Functions

virtual uint64_t GetContentsHash() const = 0

gets the contents hash of this VDS

virtual uint64_t GetLayoutHash() const = 0

gets the hash for the layout properties including axis and channels

virtual int GetDimensionality() const = 0

gets the number of dimensions in this VDS

virtual int GetChannelCount() const = 0

gets the number of channels in this VDS

virtual bool IsChannelAvailable(const char *channelName) const = 0

Returns true of the VDS contains.

virtual int GetChannelIndex(const char *channelName) const = 0

Returns the index of a the channel with the given name.

virtual VolumeDataLayoutDescriptor GetLayoutDescriptor() const = 0

Returns the descriptor for the layout.

virtual VolumeDataChannelDescriptor GetChannelDescriptor(int channel) const = 0

Returns the descriptor for the given channel index.

virtual VolumeDataAxisDescriptor GetAxisDescriptor(int dimension) const = 0

Returns the axis descriptor for the given dimension.

virtual VolumeDataFormat GetChannelFormat(int channel) const = 0

get the format for the given channel index

virtual VolumeDataComponents GetChannelComponents(int channel) const = 0

get the vector count for the given channel index

virtual const char *GetChannelName(int channel) const = 0

get the name for the given channel index

virtual const char *GetChannelUnit(int channel) const = 0

get the unit for the given channel index

virtual float GetChannelValueRangeMin(int channel) const = 0

get the value range minimum for the given channel index

virtual float GetChannelValueRangeMax(int channel) const = 0

get the value range maximum for the given channel index

virtual bool IsChannelDiscrete(int channel) const = 0

get the discrete flag for the the given channel index

virtual bool IsChannelRenderable(int channel) const = 0

get the renderable flag for the given channel index

virtual bool IsChannelAllowingLossyCompression(int channel) const = 0

get the allow lossy compression flag for the given channel index

virtual bool IsChannelUseZipForLosslessCompression(int channel) const = 0

get the use Zip when compressing flag for the given channel index

virtual VolumeDataMapping GetChannelMapping(int channel) const = 0

get the mapping for the given channel index

virtual int GetDimensionNumSamples(int dimension) const = 0

get the number of samples for the given dimension

virtual const char *GetDimensionName(int dimension) const = 0

get the name for the given dimension

virtual const char *GetDimensionUnit(int dimension) const = 0

get the unit for the given dimension

virtual float GetDimensionMin(int dimension) const = 0

get the coordinate minimum for the given dimension

virtual float GetDimensionMax(int dimension) const = 0

get the coordinate maximum for the given dimension

virtual VDSIJKGridDefinition GetVDSIJKGridDefinitionFromMetadata() const = 0

get the VDSIJKGridDefinition from the metadata in this VDS

virtual bool IsChannelUseNoValue(int channel) const = 0

Returns true if the given channel index uses No Value.

virtual float GetChannelNoValue(int channel) const = 0

gets the No Value for the given channel index

virtual float GetChannelIntegerScale(int channel) const = 0

Returns the integer scale for the given channel index.

virtual float GetChannelIntegerOffset(int channel) const = 0

Returns the integer offset for the given channel index.

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr int Dimensionality_Max = 6

the maximum number of dimensions a VDS can have

Protected Functions

inline VolumeDataLayout()
inline virtual ~VolumeDataLayout()